Your Ultimate Auto Loan Checklist

Have you been eyeing your dream car for a long time? Need funding to make that dream a reality? You can totally make it happen, but before signing on for the car, make sure that your funding is in place. Here’s how to do it right.

Your Ultimate Auto Loan


Before signing on the dotted line for your dream car make sure your funding is in place. Here's how to make it happen:

Check your credit report at to make sure there are no mistakes. If there are errors, dispute them.

Make sure your credit is in good shape so that you can get the best rates available. pay your bills on time, don’t overutilize your credit line, and pay down any debt you may have.

Get your finances in order and figure out how much you can afford to pay each month. Your budget should determine what kind of car you can afford: your car should not determine your budget.

apply for a car loan at a




check the repayment terms & APR, and confirm what your monthly payment will be.

Lenders might pull multiple inquiries on your credit report. However, if you apply for several funding options within a 14-day period will all show up as one inquiry on your credit report. Therefore, apply for all auto loans within a two-week period. After getting the funding you need, check a few dealers, compare prices, and negotiate for the best deal.